GHCC Hikes the BMT!
This is an ongoing opportunity
|Location is TBD
Are you up for a backpack this summer? Whether you have a long weekend or a full week off we hope you join us for a hike on the spectacular Blue Mountains Trail!

Time & Location
This is an ongoing opportunity
Location is TBD
About the event
Join GHCC staff, board, and volunteers as we each hike sections of the BMT. We are looking for help to document current trail conditions, establish citizen-science monitoring sites for future BMT hikers to report on, as well as ground truthing various parts of the adjacent National Forests to help the Forest Service know what important conservation values exist as they look to revise their management plan over the next few years.
We need your help to do the whole BMT! If you are interested please contact Emily Cain at emily@hellscanyon.org or submit your interest using the registration link.
Happy Trails!