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Become a Member

There are many ways for you to become a member and help to protect, connect, and restore the Greater Hells Canyon Region! Continue reading to learn more about our membership options below. From the work we are leading to forge a new vision for Northeast Oregon, to the omnipresent threats to all species that rely on healthy, intact landscapes, we need your help more than ever.

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Become a Member

We're pretty proud of the awesome group of people we get to call members. Our members are the lifeblood of this organization and offer so much in the way of financial stability, knowledge and skills, volunteer hours, and just sheer heart. Become one of the special supporters of the Greater Hells Canyon Region!


Our work is possible because of your support. Make a meaningful difference in the Greater Hells Canyon Region and join us today!

Become a River Runner

Our River Runners are members who give by way of an easy monthly donation. A monthly contribution, large or small, adds so much stability to our financial planning and lets us focus our energies on conservation instead of fundraising.


Join today at $10/month or more, and we'll throw in a special gift. Click on the button below for more details. 

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Legacy Giving

You can support the future GHCC with a bequest in your will or living trust. You can also name GHCC as a beneficiary to your IRA, 401(k), pension plan, or life insurance.


Consider making GHCC and our work to protect the Greater Hells Canyon Region a part of your legacy.

Sign up for our newsletter

If you aren't ready to become a member, but still want to support our work, please sign up for our newsletters. You'll receive our Hells Bells monthly update, as well as actions alerts and invitations to our events. You can even manage which newsletters you receive.


By joining our newsletter, we gain a new friend willing to support our efforts to protect, connect, and restore the Greater Hells Canyon Region. Join us today!

More ways to contribute to our work

There are many ways, in addition to a one-time or recurring membership donation, to give to GHCC and support our work. Please consider donating via these programs:


  • Corporate Matching for Employee Donations: If you are a business owner or employee of a business that supports the environment and/or encourages employees to donate to charitable organizations, establish or take part in a corporate matching program for donations made by you or your employees to GHCC. We can be found on EarthShare, YourCause by Blackbaud, and Benevity. If your company uses a different platform, just let us know.​



  • Donate through your IRA: While charitable contributions from retirement accounts may incur taxes, traditional IRA holders who are at the age of taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) may elect to donate these, up to $100,000, to qualified 501(c)3 charities such as GHCC without it being considered a taxable distribution. These donations also reduce your taxable adjusted gross income. More information on donating some or all of your RMDs is available here. The IRS has specific rules governing how to make these Charitable Qualified Distributions (CQDs) that your IRA custodian can help answer.


  • Donate Stock: GHCC maintains a money market account through Edward Jones Financial. Please reach out to for more information about how to donate stock to GHCC.

More Ways to Give
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