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What's Happening

Calendar of Events

July TBD: Naturalist hike with Pip Redding in the Twin Lakes area


July 15/16: Trail work party with WMHCTA


Early August TBD: Bumblebee survey


August 14: Community dinner in Enterprise


Fall TBD: Beaver Coexistence talk @ Wallowology


October 7: Annual Fall Gala in La Grande

Contact for information or to RSVP


Bumblebee Surveys

Ritter Bumble Bee Xerces JK-6.JPG

Contact for information or to RSVP

Trip 2: Early August TBD - let us know if you are interested!

Get excited! Once again this summer, GHCC will partner with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation on the Bumblebee Atlas project — a community science initiative supporting pollinator conservation across the Pacific Northwest. Many of you have joined us for bumblebee surveys in prior summers; it’s always a good time!


This year, we’ve been asked to return to the sites where we first surveyed, and to do so around the same time of year — which means we’re headed back to Buckhorn Lookout and Cemetery Ridge in early June, to snag bumblebees off wild rosebushes, etc. 

We're thrilled that Janet Hohman, who literally just wrote the book on the Wildflowers of Hells Canyon, will be joining us for this event to help with plant IDs. Anyone who's spent any time with Janet knows that you couldn't ask for a better companion for a June outing.


You’re invited! Join us for a casual full moon campout and potluck the night of Saturday, June 3, and/or for a day of surveying on Sunday, June 4. 


This family-friendly outing will give you an opportunity to get up close and personal with our cuddliest pollinator, contribute significantly to an important regional conservation effort, and hang out with nerdy and curious friends in a spectacularly beautiful place. 

Blue mountains Trail Events

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Take Our User & Stakeholder Survey

September 14th @ 6pm - Blue Mountains Trail Information Session at The Trailhead in Baker City 

October 24th @ 6:30pm - Blue Mountains Trail Information Session at Mountain Supply in Bend

November 3rd @ 7pm - Blue Mountains Trail Information Session at Wallowology in Joseph

November 15th @ 6pm - Blue Mountains Trail Information Session at Idaho Mountain Touring in Boise

Contact for information or to RSVP

iNaturalist Beaver Surveys

A fun activity for kids of all ages. The added bonus is that your participation helps our regional ecologists and land managers better protect and restore important riparian habitat. Check out more information here.

iNaturalist is a great citizen science app that can inspire and connect you to science projects in the region you live and around the world. It's just one way you can help connect, protect and restore our environment. Join, grab a friend, and help our regional environment!


2023 Fall Gala and Auction

Gala Feature - Hells Canyon - Danielle Bernard_web version.jpg

Saturday, October 7 at 5pm

Join us in La Grande to celebrate the Greater Hells Canyon Council at our annual in-person Fall Gala. We'd love to see you at a fun-filled event, featuring a local foods dinner, music, silent auction, and a presentation about our work.

More details to come!

Earth Day Oregon 2023

BMT - Eagle Cap Wilderness - Renee Patrick.jpg

April 22, 2023

We are proud to be a nonprofit partner for Earth Day Oregon, an annual event that brings attention and donations on April 22 to Oregon nonprofits who are creating a more just, livable, and sustainable world.

We partnered with five Oregon businesses for this year's celebration
 - Evermine Labels, SixMoon Designs, Quickhatch Provisions, Brightworks NW and CNOC Designs. Please join us and our partners this Earth Day to support GHCC and the many other nonprofits in Oregon that are making a critical impact to change our world for the better.


Past Outings and events

July 6: Beavers in the Blues: Why Beavers Matter - A presentation by Christina deVillier and Ian Wilson with Grande Ronde Model Watershed Foundation


June 17-19: Morgan Nesbitt Proposed Logging Project Campout


June 3-4: Bumblebee survey - campout or day trip - details below

June 3-13 - series of two-day work parties in Twin Lakes area (Section 1 of BMT)


Videos & Film trailers
Beavers and Wildfire: a stop-motion story by Emily Fairfax
A Healing Journey
Dammed to Extinction Trailer
Free the Snake: Restoring America’s Greatest Salmon River
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