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Film Screening and community conversation
A Healing Journey: The Nimiipuu Canoe Project & Dammed to Extinction
March 7, 2020 | 10am - 2pm | Palouse conference room | Wildhorse Resort & Casino
What happens on the Snake River affects everyone upstream and down—and a lot of exciting things are happening on the Snake (and its tributaries) these days. If you're interested in rivers, fish, Tribal advocacy, community, or conversation—or all of the above—you're invited to join Greater Hells Canyon Council, Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment, Tribal members, and local and regional river advocates for a film screening and discussion.
We'll learn about the canoe that Tribal youth built in Lapwai, the Southern Resident Orcas, the lower Snake River dams and the intensifying movement to breach them, and how all these things are connected—from Oregon and Idaho headwaters to reservoir slackwaters to the ocean.
A panel discussion and community conversation follow the screenings.
Hellraiser 2020
September 12, 2020 | 6 - 10 pm | OMSI | Portland, Oregon
Don't miss this exciting evening celebrating 53 years of Greater Hells Canyon Council's successes. Hellraiser 2020 kicks off at 6 pm at the inspiring Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI). Hellraiser 2020 includes a spirited social hour featuring local wines and beer, a delicious dinner, an energizing live auction, and a timely and important message from keynote speaker Bobbie Conner, director of Tamástslikt (Tah-MAHST-slickt) Cultural Institute.
The proceeds from the night enhance Greater Hells Canyon Council's reach to connect, protect, and restore the Greater Hells Canyon Region. We are excited to share some of our new initiatives to engage and energize people to get outside and develop a relationship with this special place in the Northwest. So, get registered, grab an Oregon wine or beer, learn more about what we do, and join GHCC staff and board in celebration of the Greater Hells Canyon Region and how YOU can make a difference!
Come join a community that honors our home's history, life cycles, wild spaces, and native plants and animals
Film Screening and community conversation
A Healing Journey: The Nimiipuu Canoe Project & Dammed to Extinction
April 21, 2020 | 7 pm | Zabel Hall Auditorium| Eastern Oregon University
What happens on the Snake River affects everyone upstream and down—and a lot of exciting things are happening on the Snake (and its tributaries) these days. If you're interested in rivers, fish, Tribal advocacy, community, or conversation—or all of the above—you're invited to join Greater Hells Canyon Council, Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment, Tribal members, and local and regional river advocates for a film screening and discussion.
We'll learn about the canoe that Tribal youth built in Lapwai, the Southern Resident Orcas, the lower Snake River dams and the intensifying movement to breach them, and how all these things are connected—from Oregon and Idaho headwaters to reservoir slackwaters to the ocean.
A panel discussion and community conversation follow the screenings.